What I’m Reading – 5/16

With a big move coming up my time is pretty much split between work and wrangling together things like kitchen supplies and furniture. Scifiguys has a new video coming out this week, so keep your eyes on YouTube for that to be posted. I also just realized that this post marks one-month since I started putting these together. I like this format as it allows me to share content I’m reading without making some awkward post on Facebook or a lengthy recap video on YouTube. If you enjoy these, make sure to leave a comment on the blog post itself. Feel free to suggest topics you’d be interested in reading more about as well.

In other news, it looks like North Korea will continue its missile testing program. I have a feeling this will eventually lead to some sort of definitive conclusion or compromise. China has increasingly little interest in keeping North Korea around as regional dominance becomes more and more a realistic possibility. Anyway, here are the links:
